I accept NON REFUNDABLE deposits through PayPal friends and family or Facebook pay. If you do not place a deposit, I will consider the kid available to sell. All kids (except whethers) will come with applications to register with ADGA and AGS. We reserve the right to retain any kid at any time from any breeding. Payment in full, in CASHis expected before any animal leaves our farm. Once an animal leaves our property we can not take it back or be responsible for its well being since we can not control any circumstances once it leaves here. By purchasing any animal from our farm it is implied and assumed that you have read and accept the terms of our reservation/sales policy. If you do have questions about your kids please reach out to me. I do offer as much support to you as possible. I want you to be successful raising healthy kids! Please read the information I have on my goat health tab. I have tried to cover the most common things goat owners face.
I sell our kids as bottle babies. You may need to start the kids on bottles. If you don't want a bottle baby, please let me know that up front. I currently do not whether the males for you or disbud the kids. I suggest having a vet either band or use the burdizzo method to castrate them and disbud them if you want it done. I have recently had our vet do the burdizzo and so far we like it better than banding. It seems much less painful and the recovery is faster. Never have them castrated before 12 weeks of age.